Monday, December 15, 2008

This Column Is MSN Sports' Sloppy Seconds

I'm not about talking shit. I never have been and I never will be. I personally think that it looks poor upon the person speaking it and it can create hypocrisy if such "shit" ends up backfiring. Nobody likes backfiring shit. It's way too messy.

Well, such is the situation that ex-Dallas Stars' player Sean Avery finds himself in. 

In short, for those who do not know, Sean Avery finds himself without a team and a hefty fine from the NHL for trash-talking Calgary Flames's player Dion Phaneuf when he said that Phaneuf was getting his "sloppy seconds" by dating film starlett, Elisha Cuthbert. By calling a public press conference to throw out such low-ball comments, Avery effectively sealed his fate on the NHL's unemployed list and burned any rickety rope bridges that he still had with anyone in the league. Avery has been known to act-out in the past, and this latest stunt cost him his job.

Was such a press conference sleezy? You bet your balls it was. Should Phaneuf and Cuthbert feel offended by such comments? Yeah. Should Avery lose his job, get mega-fined by the NHL, and have every player, coach, and water boy look at him like a lepper in ancient Jerusalem? No, no, and no.

It's an understatement to say that this entire situation was blown out of whack. It's an understatement to also say that Sean Avery is simply a misunderstood hockey player, but I digress. I feel as if I am a minority here when I say that Avery should not have been fined nor should he have been kicked off his team. Both penalties are preposterous consequences for what I like to refer as "guy talk."

Look, what Avery said was pretty low, but can any guy honestly say that he has not said something publicly to a group of people along those same lines? If you can, then you're either a lying sack of crap or you're not human.

Unless you're dating the Virgin Mary herself, every guy is getting some other guy's sloppy seconds on some girl. It's a harsh and blunt way of stating that someone is receiving sex, a relationship, even a kiss from a girl who has already been with another guy, but it is nothing new to the worlds of relationships and humanity. 

Guys talk this way and I'm sure that many girls have similar conversations with their close girl friends. People, it's normal. Go ahead and explain your escapades or talk lowly about your ex's new d-bag boyfriend. It's alright

Jealousy is human. Trash talking is human. Disappointment at failed relationships is human. Perfection is not human and we should not hold people--even celebrities or athletes--to such standards, no matter how big of a twat-waffle he or she sounds. Shit happens, fuck-ups happen. Such is life.

Now I'm going to go get sloppy seconds on someone's quesadilla downstairs. Oops, probably shouldn't have published that.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Ryan Joseph: A Collection

I'm a firm believer in not writing an article--or pretty much anything--without having a substantial amount of your time, energy, emotion, and focus behind the desired product. Strong emotions--whether they are subjective or objective at final print--fuel all writers. I hate having to write on a gas tank half-empty and I hate looking half-assed.

So as such, I have nothing new to write today. Suck it up. 

However, for those of you who read my blog or have just stumbled across my link in my Facebook statuses because you have nothing better to do--you creepers--I have included articles from my senior year of high school published in Dublin Jerome High School's student magazine, The Verve. Included are various "Ryan's Rockin' Records" (I DID NOT choose the ridiculous column name) and other editorials from the '07-'08 school year. 

Love 'em, hate 'em, feel a sort of apathy or ambivalence towards them, I don't give a shit. I'm okay with being umimpressive. I sleep better.

(In order to view each article, click on a picture to enlarge each page)