Sunday, January 18, 2009

More Thoughts.

Well shit. Speak. More thoughts from this dude.

1. Which acoustic guitar riff do you think is better? The intro to Dispatch's "The General" or the intro to Jack Johnson's "Taylor"? Both are total gnar-dog riffs. To the max. 

2. How often do you think about the people you walk by on your way to class? That is, think about the random people you see everyday during your life. The people that you pass once in your life that you'll never see again. What kind of person do you think he or she would be if you actually stopped to meet him or her? What kinds of stories/experiences would you procure from meeting such a person? Would it be worth it?

3. And finally, how do you describe your relationships with others? Are you closed-off and boarded up from the rest of the world, only sharing with those who you feel pass the test of truthfulness after twenty years of knowing one person? Or do you share with others like it's your fucking job? 
   I constantly think about how I portray myself. It's human to be insecure in such a manner. It's a hard thing to relate to someone, and for someone to open him or herself up as well. It takes a lot to trust someone, no matter who he or she may be.
   I'm optimistic. I trust people very easily (as I stated in my last blog entry).  But I think my view of humanity is justified and worth it. Even if some do not believe so at first.
   We've all met shitty people. It's a known fact and this may seem like a tangent from my previous paragraph. But it's senseless to keep such little faith in people. As my last question was posed, why do we shut ourselves off? Why do we keep people out of our situation much like a bouncer keeps an 18-year-old guy like myself out of a club?
   Everyone is insecure and that's for good reason. Everyone has so many flaws that it's not even funny. We all possess negatives in our personality that we come off as shitty people, no matter how hard we try to skew it.
   We need to embrace these flaws. Let people know who you are: for the good and the bad.
   You're denying yourself life if you do not give someone (even a complete stranger) your absolute self. It's never a good thing getting a false-image of someone during the first meeting. It's real shitty, actually.
   Let yourself be free. Let yourself be free of imitation and share yourself with another person. It's alright. 
   I've never believed in shutting yourself off from the world. Maybe it's because I've met enough people who try to continue to do just this, but in the end it's not worth it.
   You never know who you'll meet in life. 
   It's always safe to not let anyone in, to not let a person get close to you. But how do you meet people if you do such a thing?
   I say live and give your life story. Sure, you'll get hurt. And sure, you'll find people who don't agree with your principles. But in the end, you took the risk and you let people have the honest-to-fucking-God image of yourself. And you can't disagree with that. 
   And this is how you find your closest friends. Risk it and let people in. Be ballsy and grow a pair. Who gives a shit? 
   The worst that can happen is you find someone that doesn't respect you, but do you really need that person influencing your life?
   Not at all.
   Be vulnerable and step off the edge. How do you know until you've given someone a shot? 

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