Saturday, February 28, 2009

"College"? Nah, I'll Pass On Your Song, Brah.

   Ok, so I'm at a party tonight and I see two lovely looking women. Two absolute barn burners. Like, "let-time-slow-down" kind of women. Jeeze-oh-shit. One was blonde, shorter than me (oh my, that's a definite plus), curves like an hourglass, and a face that could've slayed Goliath. The other was a fine, oh-so-fine brunette. I could feel my heart sink in this abysmal desire that'll never rear its head towards me. 
   But I approached anyways. And I got denied, but it was worth it.
   And you know what the song was when I approached? That Asher Roth song. That one about college and the like. That one where he talks about liking girls and drinking and freshmen. Or something along those lines.
   And I can't help but feel some sort of apathy--neesh--dislike towards this song about my current state. I just can't.
   Don't get me wrong: I respect Asher Roth's steeze. Moreover, I respect his skills as an MC. He has bridged the gap--at least on an underground level--between the rappers of today and the Eminem's of old. Due to Mr. Slim Shady's absence over the past (probably) four years, there hasn't been a recognizable Caucasian rapper in that time. Any white boy who can fill the void I have to give props to. 
   Especially if he's from West Chester, PA. 
   But I just can't wrap my head around him yet. I can't give him my undivided attention because of that fucking College song. It's not possible
   Look, that "Roth Boys" jam was sick. His freestyle on BET's 106 & Park? Ballsy.
   But "College"? Mayne, that's just hackneyed.
   I know what college is about. I'm here 24/7 as of right now. I realize that freshmen at a party are about as revered as an STD on a nice-looking lady. And I understand that beer pong is a pretty awesome game. Trust me, Asher, I've played it before. And I can say with my whole heart that women are pretty bad ass. But do I need you to tell me that over a song with a limp beat and trite lyrics? Hell no, bro.
   Stick to the mixtape circuit. Stick to making great remixes of popular hits already on the radio. I recognize your talents and I support them. Don't make crappy songs about college that don't showcase your potential. 
   Anyone in college doesn't need another song glorifying the lifestyle. We all know what's up. Shit, if I want to hear a song about partying, I'll slip in Appetite For Destruction. You're about twenty-one years too late. 
   Establish yourself as one of Philly's elite. Make rhymes that made Cee-Lo astonished to meet your fratty, white ass. Don't make songs that I could've created drunk (like I am now). Because you probably were when you made it.

-Dude Observation #1: Isn't weird how every cool, beautiful girl is dating some complete chach-rocket?
-Dude Observation #2: Is it not manly to like Lily Allen? She's got some sick beats.
-Dude Observation #3: Columbus is so much better than Athens in the winter. No questions asked. At least when you don't have an ID. Actually, probably even if you do have an ID. 


Heather Farr said...

Agreed. Cannot get myself to like that song..thanks for that: )

Anonymous said...

Could not a agree more. I heard this song on the radio earlier this week and was literally laughing out loud in my car listening to it. the worst part was knowing i'd have to hear it at every party for the next 10 months. I don't know if Asher will every be able to live this piece of shit down.